Friday, April 14, 2017

Soybeans Are Rich In Vitamins and Minerals

Soya beans are rich in protein. Containing twice that of meat and ten times that of milk. Soya beans can be eaten in a variety of ways, either plain in casseroles or as flour in baked products, as tofu(bean curd) which can be used in a lot of different ways and as soy sauce which is part of most Chinese dishes. A milk substitute is also made from the bean., which contains unsaturated fats and is suitable for children with a milk allergy and adults with heart or other diseases that require them to reduce their intake of saturated fats.

Besides being rich in vegetable source of protein, soya beans are low in carbohydrates, but also rich in vitamins B complex, lecithin, vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids and the minerals calcium and iron.

Benefits of Soya Beans
A small amount of these beans  provide high quality protein at very little cost.
Soy beansare one of the richest, natural sources of lecithin which is a natural emulsifier of fats and helps to prevent artery and heart disease.

How To Cook The Beans
Soak soya beans overnight before cooking them, otherwise they won’t be ready at the same time as the rest of the dish. They can then be used just as they are in soups, stews, curries and pies.
These beans should always be well cooked at a simmering temperature. The slow, longer cooking destroys an enzyme in the bean which limits protein digestion.

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