Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

 Fenugreek Plant in a Pot

Fenugreek’s main therapeutic value is that in helping to clear up mucus conditions. It is used throughout the Orient to make a tea.

Health Benefits
Fenugreek seeds are strongly antiseptic. Made into a thick poultice, it can be used to bring swellings to a head because of its drawing properties. As a tea, it may be used for a sore throat. It is also used as a gargle to help clean up catarrh.

How Do You Use Them
·    Make a tea from the seeds by standing one teaspoon of the seeds in a cup of boiling water for a few minutes.
·    Strain and add lemon and honey if desired.
·    This will also help you to perspire during a fever.
·    As a gargle, or to help clear up a sinus condition, make a tea by simmering two tablespoons of the seeds in 4 cups of cold water for an hour. Drink 3 cups a day.
·    For chronic sinus, also grind some seeds and add to cereals or sprinkle over salads, etc.
·    As well as being a very old remedy for mucus conditions, fenugreek seeds are one of the constituents of curry powder.

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