Saturday, March 11, 2017

Strengthen The Immune System

Strengthen The Immune System
Living foods help to keep the immune system strong. Your body may then prevent colds, flu and infections.
When you eat sprouts, you conserve the body's energy, thereby enhancing and reducing your risk of cancer. Sprouts have a high natural concentration of antioxidant nutrients which combat the effects of free radicals.

Sprouts and the Liver
Sprouts are also alkaline which help to neutralize acid waste matter, producing cleansing and cooling effects on the body. Therefore, sprouts stimulate the livers energy flow. Most liver imbalances are caused as a result of stagnation.
Sproutsassist by stimulating the liver back into normal function. Signs of liver disorder might include nervous tension, depression, swollen abdomen, and bloating.
Eating enough alkaline forming food which are rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium, like live sprouts, fresh fruits, vegetables and salads.
A shortage of oxygen causes cells to break down and die, creating acidosis(tissue toxemia) a condition in which the body is too acidic. A more serious consequence of acidity is that it causes calcium to be mobilized out of your bones through the urine, such conditions create a fertile ground for conditions like osteoporosis, and bone degeneration. Excess acid may also get deposited in cell tissues, eventually causing arthritis. Live sprouts, especially sprouted millet, are alkaline.
Living Food for Health

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